Monday, February 22, 2010

Wood veneer, Tamo Ash

Tamo Ash

cat-tamoash.jpgTamo ash is one of the most highly figured veneers available. It has a rolling figure similar to "quilt" but the shimmer is much stronger. This figure is often called "peanut" which is does not effectively describe the beauty of this veneer. Even in pictures, the iridescence does not fully show. Customers have described it as "3D" and compared it to water cascading over glass. Lesser figured tamo ash is used today as construction lumber in Japan!
Common Name:
 Tamo Ash, Japanese Ash
Scientific Name:
 Fraxinus mandschurica
 Creamy white to tan
 Eastern Asia (Korea, Japan, Manchuria)
 Coarse, open pore
 Readily accepts stains but most woodworkers would consider it a crime. Tamo veneers can be top-coated with any finish. Penetreating oils, oil-based polyurethane, lacquer, and tung oil will bring out the character in this wood.

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