Monday, February 22, 2010

Wood veneer, Eucalyptus (Burl)

Eucalyptus (Burl)

cat-eucalyptus-burl.jpgThe burl form of eucalyptus is not the traditional protuberence you would expect to see growing from a tree. Instead, the "burl" is formed inside the trunk. The eucalyptus tree (an evergreen) was introduced into California in 1856 and into Hawaii in about 1865 however commercial propogation of this species is generally limited to species from Australia and New Zealand. Despite this, the highest curly figured eucalyptus veneers are currently being grown in and exported from Spain.
Common Name:
 Eucalyptus, Bluegum, Tasmanian Bluegum
Scientific Name:
 Eucalyptus Globulus
 Light tan to brown, occasional silvery brown and yellow tones
 Australia, New Zealand, Spain
 Medium to hard
 Medium to coarse grain with semi-open pores
 Readily accepts stains and finishes

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